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OUR Group

​Who We Are

We are Finglas West Scout Group who are part of The Tollka scout County and  members of Scouthing Ireland. 


We Provide a wide range of Scouting activities  to young people through "The one programe" in the following age Group's


Beaver Scouts : Ages 6,7,8               Cub Scouts :  Ages 9,10,11               Scouts: Ages 12,13,14,15


Scouting Ireland is the National Scout Association for Ireland and a member of the World Organisation of the Scout Movement. Scouting Ireland was formed on 1st January 2004 from the two original Scout Associations in Ireland, Scouting Ireland S.A.I. and Scouting Ireland (CSI) - See the History of Scouting in Ireland. Both Associations voted to join together to form a new single Association in 2003, following a decision to set this process in motion in 1998.

Scouting Ireland has over 40,000 members across Ireland, including Northern Ireland where it works in partnership with the Scout Association Northern Ireland, a part of the United Kingdom Scout Association.
The Association is supported by a team of Professional Staff who look after its day to day running.

Scouting Ireland is headed up by a committee of elected volunteers, called the: National Management Committee.


‘WHAT’ we do in Scouting ??????


Activities and Challenges


In Scouting, young people learn by doing. This means that we do everything in the form of activities. Activities, run using the Scout Method, are the way scouts take their personal journey. The ONE Programme involves a variety of activities and events, such as; weekly meetings, regular hikes, sail training, monthly overnights, periodic longer duration overnights, ceremonies to mark specific events etc. It also involves challenges such as Adventure Skills, Special Interest Badges and the Chief Scout Award.


Adventure Skills

Scouting is traditionally associated with specific outdoor skills, such as camping and backwoods survival. The Adventure Skills are the means by which the ONE Programme outlines the primary hard skills involved in scouting and provides a comprehensive competency-based framework for the young person to complete these skills.


There are nine defined Adventure Skills; Camping, Backwoods, Pioneering, Hillwalking, Emergencies, Air Activities, Paddling, Rowing, Sailing. This range of skill areas has been chosen to provide a framework for an active and adventurous outdoor programme providing fun, friendship and challenge. Competency in specific Adventure Skills allows our youth members to carry out a great variety of Scouting adventures and activities in a safe and competent manner.


Adventure Skills Badges require a young person to achieve a detailed set standard in a particular Adventure Skill. The requirements are progressive, and ultimately pave the way to outside recognition by a governing body of a chosen skill. Each Adventure skill is divided into nine levels of competency ranging form basic knowledge to advanced and certified experience. This model allows even the youngest Beaver Scouts to engage in challenging adventurous activities and begin a process which will see them progress in different skills as they advance in Scouting.



Special Interest Badges


In order to reflect the diverse range of abilities and interests of young people, Special Interest Badges recognise personal progression in different areas even those one would not necessarily associated with scouting. Special Interest Badges are based on individual youth member’s hobbies and interests. They can used to acquire a new interest/ hobby/ skill or develop ones they already have.


The requirements are designed by the young person in consultation and agreement with their Scouters. Badge requirements are designed to allow exploration of the subject, develop and improve skills, and put the new knowledge into practice, preferably as a practical project which will benefit others.


To help organise the Speical Interest area five general areas have been identified:

Skills: This allows for individuals to develop their personal skills base. – e.g. drama, cooking, painting, martial arts, web site design, musical instrument, foreign language etc.

Adventure:  This should be an adventure journey that includes something completely new   i.e. a new location, new method of travel, etc

Physical: Any physical pursuit or activity – e.g. athletics, sports team, caving, archery, training for a marathon.

Community Involvement – participation in a community organisation, volunteering, a community service project – e.g. St Vincent de Paul, After School Club, assisting in another section in your Group, Young Social Entrepreneurs, sports coaching, tidy towns etc.

Environment: an activity or series of events which makes a positive impact on the environment/natural world – e.g. running a Leave No Trace day for a Scout Group, cleaning up a natural area, caring for an allotment, membership of a nature club/environmental society, learning about pollution and personal responsibility.



Chief Scout Award


The Chief Scout Award is an award to help Youth Members in their personal journey through scouting. It is a challenge which requires young people to complete a number of Special Interest Badges, advance in the Adventure Skills, complete an expedition and experience an intercultural engagement. For the older sections of the ONE Programme (Scouts, Venture Scouts and Rover Scouts), the Chief Scout Award is linked to the International Award in the form of Gaisce – The President’s Award (Ireland) and the Duke of Edinburgh Award



The Chief Scout Award has seven elements:

Four Special Interest Badges: Skills, Physical, Community and Environment

Scout Skills: Advancement in Adventure Skills

An Expedition

A Residential/Intercultural Activity


The Chief Scout Award is about personal development. It, like all other challenges in scouting, is centred on assisting the self-development of the young person. Each Scout must be in control of their own journey; and they, with the help of a Scouter, choose the individual tasks and challenges that will help them make progress towards the Award.


The Chief Scout Award is designed in such a way that a Youth Member (Scouts, Venture Scouts and Rover Scouts only) will complete their Chief Scout Award and Gaisce/DoE concurrently.

© 2018 by 76th/122nd Finglas West Scout Group. 

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